Thursday, December 24, 2009


In decorating the room, many things that must be considered to produce and design the room maximum. You'll want to shadow your dream home a reality. Home decorating in accordance with the style and taste, accessories and furniture until you really comfortable atmosphere that makes you want to always be at home.

Here are some tips that will help you decorate the room :

Your floorplan sketch and include important information

such as room dimensions, location and size of windows, electrical lines, position and other electrical socket. Bring your floorplan always when shopping. This will be a guide to facilitate and minimize mistakes.

Further dig the concept and style that will be applied.

This can be done by reading a magazine, attended the exhibition, browsing the Internet and visit the showroom. Write down any ideas and things that interest you.

Define each room you want to wake up.

Define each room you want to wake up with writing and must detail (not just "the room is minimalist", but "The room decor is minimalist with white and painting as the main accent")

Consider past uses and functions of a room.

before deciding on furniture and peletakannya. For example: your bedroom also serves as a workspace, then you have to prepare space for tables, shelves and lighting.

use the matching elements

especially on decorating trim color, wood elements, materials for floors, motif, material, or material.

Take advantage of the light.

not only as light, but also for dramatic effect. Use dimmers to adjust the intensity of light will help shape the atmosphere.

Find the best quality furniture your budget versions.

Know that quality construction materials and extend the life of your furniture. And this choice you will be more profitable, than you need to replace furniture on a regular basis.

Choose accessories that are reinforcing the color and theme of the room

Note the scale and magnitude of furniture.

why so? because to maintain the balance between space. Do not pile up furniture with a large size only in a room.

Something that would be more interesting contrast.

Place furniture or accessories with a contrasting color (but still in harmony) with the basic colors to produce an attractive room.

Use a pair of accessories to create a symmetrical and balanced

Use an odd number (3,5,7) to classify a monotonous small accessories. The placement of a triangular built to add interest.

For formal rooms do preparation of symmetrical and monotonous. Instead, do the preparation of asymmetric and as they pleased for a relaxing room.

Take advantage of the line to reinforce the theme of the room.

Horizontal line will give the impression wide, spacious and quiet. Straight line will cause high impression. Diagonal lines create a dynamic impression and spirit.

Note also the location and architectural style in interior planning.

One thing that's not redundant if you make a Home Theater is very good in the basement, while your location is a flood area.

and the last is the practice ,

good decorating


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