Thursday, December 24, 2009


Body shaking, pale face, talking stuttering and stiff, wow mess! because of this nervous behavior could be missing a golden opportunity!

Can not believe it? Just a simple example, nervous in front of the girls. dealing with the "sweet", would be a different story. From head to toe, from the words to behavior, chaotic all!

Another example is easy, too, if told to go do the problems on the blackboard as the teacher fierce! Panic right? So, when asked, wuah ... speech so aiueo. But ... ah, never mind. do not have to talk at length, about the reason for the nervous appear.

better, we set, so that nervous character is lost, or at least be covered..

Enjoy ...

In order not nervous anymore, even though our hearts are restless because of nervous or panic, just enjoy insecurity and panic. if you enjoyed, we must finally be laughing at myself .. haha. "hey, why yes I am scared like a worm heat just because a girl noticed me acne on the face?" Believe it ok, having fun "stupidity" ourselves, then we would be guaranteed to be normal again. Because so successfully laugh at themselves, then we begin to consciously make it out of stupidity!

Self talk

This one, specifically to eliminate nervous, which caused a sense of not confident. Let me be confident in a short time, there's only one way, high praise yourself. For example, "I'm cute ... cool ... and so on." But in my heart, okey, then humiliated narcissist, by the people. Hehehe ...


If this one, just for eliminating nervous because panic! Panic is not going to happen if we are quiet, and calm can only happen if we can relax. Trouble yeah? But true. only unfortunately, can not relax quickly happen, if we do not get to train myself to relax. So from now on, is diligent exercise and respiratory muscle relaxation. if a moment of panic attack, body and mind are rileks.jadi not automatically lead to nervous?

to be continued on how to hide nervous . . .


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